By The Kent Redding Group

AUSTIN, TX. - Should you offer more money than what an Austin Texas home is really worth? The answer to this question depends of course on things like the home, location, timing of the Real Estate market, and how many offers the home has already received.

Sadly, many people overbid on homes every year when they should have waited and held back. Thankfully, the key to success with submitting a competitive offer and buying the home that you really want all boils down to using wisdom and following these tips.

Tip 1 - Make Sure You Can Really Afford It 

If you plan on financing a home, instead of paying cash, make sure that you can really afford the higher mortgage payment because getting caught up in the heat of the…

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By the Kent Redding Group

Fall is a great time of year to live in Austin Texas especially thanks to events like the Texas Book Festival, this weekend, November 4th and 5th.

The 2017 Texas Book Festival is annual festival that’s free to the public and takes place at the State Capital in Austin Texas on Saturday 11-4 from 10:00 am to 5:00 p and Sunday 11-5 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

About the Texas Book Festival

Started by former first lady Laura Bush in 1995, the Texas Book Festival is an annual event that celebrates literacy and literature. Like South by Southwest, the Texas book festival brings readers and writers together for one weekend and over the years it’s grown into one of the top literary events in the United States thanks to having…

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