By the Kent Redding Group
AUSTIN, TX. – Homeowners insurance is something that every Austin Texas homeowner must have because it protects the homeowner against potential losses should their home be damaged by fire.
Sadly, homeowner’s insurance might cover some things this year and might not cover other things next year.
Go Over Your Homeowners Insurance At Least Once A Year
As tedious as it may sound, going through every detail of your insurance policy—at least once a year—is necessary to make sure you know what is and isn't part of your coverage. Why? Because things can change.
“Your insurance company frequently amends definitions in your policy, so one year you may be covered, and the next year, that can turn into an exclusion,” says Lou Haverty, a chartered financial analyst at Financial Analyst Insider in Philadelphia.
1. Flooding and water damage
Worldwide, flooding is the most common kind of natural disaster, according to In the United States, it causes $6 billion in damage each year. But many people don’t know that their standard homeowner or renter’s policy typically does not provide coverage for damage caused by flooding, according to Terry Black, vice president of business development at Aon National Flood Services in Blue Springs, MO. “In fact, most regular homeowner and renters policies specifically exclude flood, as an uncovered peril,” he tells®.
One of the biggest misconceptions about flood insurance is that you don't need it if you don't live in a flood zone. But this type of thinking can be costly.
“Statistics from last year’s Hurricane Harvey revealed that more than 60% of those impacted by flooding were located outside of the Special Flood Hazard or high-risk areas,” says Cynthia DiVincenti, vice president of government programs at Aon National Flood Services in Atlanta. “What’s worse is that 80% of those property owners impacted didn’t have flood insurance and have had to rely on disaster assistance loans to make the needed repairs to their properties.”
Homeowners can purchase floor insurance, and renters can get contents-only flood insurance to cover their possessions.
Another type of flooding can occur from a natural disaster inside your home. "In terms of water damage, the insurance company is not required to pay for an item which fails,” according to Stacey A. Giulianti, Esq., chief legal officer at the Florida Peninsula Insurance Company, in Boca Raton, FL. “They won’t pay for the actual pipe that broke, or the dishwasher hose; they'll only pay for the ensuing damage.”
2. Pet damage
If your lovable pets damage your property, don’t look to your insurance company for assistance.
“If personal property like furniture is damaged by cat claws, or if your dog knocks over the TV, it’s not likely to be covered,” says Angat Saini, principal lawyer and founder of Accord Law in Toronto, ON. “Owning a pet is considered a known financial risk that you take on, so you'll have to pay out of pocket for repairs as a result."
3. Pest infestation
Although the information is displayed very prominently in most policies, many homeowners don’t seem to know that if pests invade their house, they’ll be paying for that themselves. “We continually get claims from termite damage or rodent infestation, both of which are clearly excluded in the policy," Giulianti says.
4. Mold
When left untreated, mold can become a serious health hazard. But it’s not covered in most homeowner policies. Moisture in a house from leaks or from improperly vented bathrooms and kitchens can increase the chances of mold, mildew, and harmful bacteria developing. However, insurance won’t cover mold that results from long-term leaks.
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To get started with searching for homes in Austin Texas contact the Kent Redding Group today by calling us at (512) 306-1001 or click here to connect with us online.
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