AUSTIN, TX. – Are you planning on adding energy efficient upgrades to your Austin Texas home? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article we will provide you with a list of energy efficient upgrades that you should make to your home so you will know exactly which upgrades you should be spending your money on.

Upgrade #1 – Seal Your House

Sealing your older Austin Texas home is by far one of the most important things you should get done in your home because you may be spending more money than you think heating or cooling your home, and sealing the home is one of the best ways to reduce energy costs.

To get your home completely sealed you should first hire a reputable contractor to make sure that your house is sealed from the ground up including: attic, foundation, doors, windows, electrical outlets and air ducts.

Upgrade #2 – Insulate Your Austin Texas Home

Although the amount of insulation needed in your house will depend on its age and construction, you should also make insulation a priority because, a well-insulated home will also help reduce energy losses and keep you warmer during the winter months.

When insulating your home you should start with the attic then for maximum efficiency you should hire a contractor to see if the walls in your older home need insulation because many homes may have walls that have no insulation at all.

Upgrade #3 – Purchase a New HVAC System

Is your current HVAC system over 20 years old? If so, it may be time to purchase a new HVAC system because most systems generally last about 20 years and once they pass the 20 year mark they tend to start running less efficiently than start to wear out and cost the homeowner money.

Some of the other energy efficient upgrades you should consider making to your Austin Texas home include a programmable thermostat (Nest), new water heater, windows and doors.

Search For An Austin Texas Home

To learn more about energy efficient upgrades you should consider making to your older Austin Texas home contact the Kent Redding Group today by calling us at (512) 306-1001 or click here to connect with us online. 

Posted by Kent Redding on


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