By the Kent Redding Group
AUSTIN, TX. – Are you thinking about selling your home in 2017? If so, with the holidays officially over and kids going back to school this week now is the right time for you to get your Austin Home ready for sale by following these tips:
Tip #1 – Handle All Holiday Cleanup This Week
One of the first things to do after the holidays is to clean up your Christmas tree, lights, and all holiday decorations because even though the decorations are great to have up during November/December, they should be taken down during the first week in January since they may prove to be distracting for some home buyers.
Tip #2 – Clean Your House from Top to Bottom
When buyers find a dirty house one of the first things they will think is “what else is wrong with this house?” so it’s best to give your house a good cleaning now, especially windows, and those hard to reach areas in your Austin Home.
Tip #3 – Touch up the Walls Inside of Your Home
Thanks to the holidays, your home may also have a lot of little holes in the walls compared to other times of the year so after cleaning you should paint over any holes that are left in the walls of your Austin Home as of a result of hanging tinsel and other Christmas decorations.
Tip #4 – Time to De-Clutter Your Austin Texas Home
After removing holiday decorations, cleaning, and touching up the walls inside of your home you should next take some time to de-clutter your Austin Texas Home and sell, give away, or place those items in storage that you may not have used in months or years.
Tip #5 – Make Those “Nagging” Repairs Now
Last of all, but most important, if your home has one or more things that need to be repaired like a squeaky door, burned out light bulb or stain in your carpeting, you should make those nagging repairs now because, you don’t want to give buyers reasons to submit lower offers on your home because all of the repairs that they “think” your home may need.
Sell Your Austin Home
To get started with selling your Austin Home contact the Kent Redding Group today by calling us at (512) 306-1001 or click here to connect with us online.
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