Found 1 blog entry tagged as carvana.

Image Credit - Fortune Magazine

By the Kent Redding Group

AUSTIN, TX. – This week, another unique attraction was added to the Austin landscape; a Carvana used car vending machine.

Located at 6014 S. I–35 near Stassney Lane in Austin, the Carvana used car vending machine will offer consumers a unique way to have used cars delivered to them after they purchase them.

The “vending machine” is, in reality, a five-story building with multiple bays for storing cars; once a consumer puts a coin into the “machine”, their choice will be delivered to them in much the fashion as a traditional vending machine.

About Carvana

The machines are a visible brick-and-mortar extension to a much broader online business. Carvana customers don't have to pick up their new purchases at the…

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