Found 3 blog entries tagged as about austin texas.

Are you planning on relocating to Austin? The good news is that our city has been named as one of the “harmless” cities in the United States thank to a new survey which shows that Austin does the most for it’s residents.

About The Survey

Coconut water company Harmless Harvest revealed a new ranking of America's most "harmless" cities, those that do the most for their residents, the environment and the community at large.

Austin comes in at number 8.

Boston, San Francisco and Seattle top the list.

In developing the ranking, Harmless Harvest put together a list of ten key values associated with "bettering the community." That includes urban farming, charitable donations, health insurance coverage, minimum wage, fair trade, recycling…

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By The Kent Redding Group

AUSTIN, TX. - There's no denying that Austin has been growing by leaps and bounds over the last two years and the city has gained recognition as one of the fastest growing cities in the United States but thanks to a recent report from we know that the city was also ranked as one of the most comfortable cities in the United States.

What Makes Austin A Comfortable City?

A thriving economy and its status as the live music capital of the world and abundant outdoor art installations makes Austin a destination city.

To determine how much people need to make for a “comfortable” living in each city, the study used the 50-30-20 budgeting rule: 50% of your income should go toward necessities, 20%…

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Over the last year Austin Texas has received a lot of great press coverage online thanks to it being a very liveable city, including being a great place to find a job, and now our city has been ranked as the best state capitol to live in the United States thanks to recent data from

Why Is Austin The Best State Capitol To Live In The United States?

Why is Austin the best state capitol to live in the United States? There are a variety of factors including economic strength, excellent health care, fun things to do in the area, affordable housing, cool people, great food, awesome music and so much more.

Besides all of the obvious reasons why Austin Texas is the best state capitol to live in the United States we also have an…

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